Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Looking Ahead

Pay it forward..

Kindness - give it to somebody else if the person you intend to give it to is not interested.

Hope - it is said and proven that prayer changes the hearts of people. Keep praying.

I had a sort of "funny" and comforting visualization the other day. That there were two of me and each one acquiring the exact opposite chracteristics from the other.. It then gave me a feeling of relief when I imagined that my ex met and dealt with the mean side of me and he was not able to meet the other one who is nice and good. In short, he got to know the wrong person. I know that past is past and that I will never be able to make right what I did wrong. But, i can do better in my next relationship.

I will stop crying for him. I need to take care of me.
Paying it forward.